Organization Name:Vasantdada Sugar Institute
Job Position:Engineer, Scientific Officer
Pay Scale:9300-39800
Eligibility :ME/M.Tech
Job Location:Pune
Interview Date:21/3/2011
Job Position:Engineer, Scientific Officer
Pay Scale:9300-39800
Eligibility :ME/M.Tech
Job Location:Pune
Interview Date:21/3/2011
Job Details
Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), inviting application for the post of Development Engineer/ Scientific Officer.
Development Engineer:M. Tech. / M.E. in Mechanical Engg with specialization in DesignOR
B. E. in Mechanical Engg with two years experience in Design and Development and testing of Agricultural Equipments / Implements.
B. E. in Mechanical Engg with two years experience in Design and Development and testing of Agricultural Equipments / Implements.
Scientific Officer:M. Tech in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Farm Machinery & Power OR
B. Tech in Agricultural Engineering with two years R & D experience in Farm Mechanization.
B. Tech in Agricultural Engineering with two years R & D experience in Farm Mechanization.
M. Tech in Agricultural Engg with specialization in Water Resources Development & Management / Irrigation & Drainage Engineering OR
B. Tech in Agricultural Engineering with two years R & D experience in Irrigation water management & drainage Engg. works.
B. Tech in Agricultural Engineering with two years R & D experience in Irrigation water management & drainage Engg. works.
No. of Vacancy:One
How to apply
Eligible candidates are requested to send applications with curriculum vitae (c.v.) / resume, photocopies of the degree certificates, publications etc. superscribing the envelope “Application for the post of ————” and send By Post to The Director General, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari(Bk.), Tal.: Haveli, Dist.: Pune – 412 307 OR By Email on or before21st March 2011.
For more information:-Click Here